
Never Miss to Celebrate the Fathers Day !!!

The Mother’s Day has departed just a month ago and now its time to commemorate the counterpart of Mom- Your Dad. Yes, the whole U.S celebrates Father’s Day every year on the third Sunday of June. It’s been celebrated since 1910 and reminds each one of us of the innumerable contributions of our dad in our life.

Though there stand many stories as to how the celebration of Fathers Day came into existence, there definitely remains one surety that the importance of a father in a child’s life is absolutely significant. He nurtures us, fulfills our needs and sacrifices even the most crucial things just for our contentment.

While our coddler mom couldn’t stop pampering us with chicken nuggets and banana muffins as we scored well in the tests, dad always stood not in front of us, but beside us to moralize us after we lost the baseball match in school and the world ended for us. When mom always held the position of an admonisher continuously reminding us to wake up on time, eat healthy or clean our closet, dad guided us on how to impress the gal sitting on the next desk in class.

It’s so much fun remembering the childhood yore. So why hesitate to thank the people who gave us these lovely memories. Visit dad personally, give him a nice thoughtful gift, hug him and express your gratitude in a way that makes his day.