Ruby, one of the most valuable gemstone, belongs to the corundum family and is considered to be the King of Gemstones. Only the red variety of corundum is at liberty to command the title of Ruby, while all other varieties are categorized as Sapphires.
Some rubies display a splendid and glorious silky shine called the “silk” of the gemstone which is caused by the fine needles of rutile. Sometimes the rutile forms a star-shaped deposit within the ruby causing a mesmerizing light effect called asterism. Such rubies are called Star- Rubies and are precious rarities.
By far, the use of ruby in the gemstone jewelry industry was often witnessed in gemstone rings and gemstone pendants. But the popularity of rubies in gemstone earrings is gaining momentum in recent times.
The red of the rubies is a hot, passionate and powerful color. Rubies are considered as a perfect way to expresses compassionate and powerful feelings. Engagement Rings set in rubies are, therefore, thought to symbolize passionate love.
Other qualities that are determinants of the value of a ruby are cut, clarity and size, similar to that of other gemstones.
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